Friday, July 25, 2008

Phil Wickham Sing-a-long!!


YEAAAHH I am totally in there...2nd row on bottom part-4th from the right! yay I love Phil.

New car and life moves on...

Well I finally found a new car! Well it's not brand new but new to me. I am very excited about it. So now I am going to drive it around here in NY for a little while and then head on down to NC to live with my cousin. I'm pretty excited but I think I need a lot of prayer about it. I am hoping to find a job that will pay my bills..Haha. I'm not extremely worried about it but now that I feel like a real grown-up and I will have real bills (car payment, rent, groceries, gas, vet bills...) AHH I'm terrified. But I am mostly excited...I am hoping to be able to get to Lakeshore again sometime this long as I can keep up with all the bills and stuff I should be able to make it down there. We'll see..anyway thats my ranting for the day.
Here's my car!!!