Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ska is a lifestyle.

Hi there folks. I haven't written for a long time.
I am in Lakeshore again. I have been since February 4th. I am planning to leave on May 15th though, which is coming up so soon. I am going to North Carolina to stay with my cousin for a while. Try something new, that kind of thing. It will be interesting I know for sure. I'll try to update more.

Anyway the reason for the Ska photo is cos I love ska so very much. I am planning on getting a tattoo soon of a skanking dude, not like those but a cooler one. I'll post a photo soon. Keren has been doing a lot of knitting and tattooing, so if anyone is interested let me know and I'll tell you how to get a hold of her. I'm sure she'd be willing to either knit you something or perhaps even give you a tat.
Just a little sample of her work.

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